What Is Kambo?

Kambo is the secretion of the Giant Waxy Green Spider Monkey Tree Frog (Phyllomedusa Bicolor), which lives in the upper areas of the Amazon Rainforest. It has no natural predators, which debunks the myth of Kambo being a venom or poison. The secretion of this frog has been used for centuries for its healing powers, energetic shifts, and unwinding karmic patterns that block us from fulfilling our life's purpose. It supports stamina, strength, and resilience of the nervous system, helping us handle life's challenges on all levels. These frogs are found in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, French Guiana, Suriname, and Venezuela. According to the IUCN database, they are categorized as 'Least Concern' due to their wide distribution and large population. Kambo is not endangered and is completely legal worldwide.

Kambo Traditions

Kambo has been used by indigenous tribes of the upper Amazon for hundreds of years and is an integral part of the Matses, Marubo, Nukini, Mayoruna, Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, and Kaxinawá cultures. The Kaxinawá people of Brazil tell a story of a healer named Kampum, who reappeared as the frog from which Kambo is harvested. Each tribe has its own unique methods of Kambo use, including some modern adaptations. The first non-native observations of Kambo were recorded by French priest Father Constantin Tastevin in 1925. In the 1980s, anthropologist Katherine Milton described its use among the Mayoruna tribe, and Peter Gorman documented his experiences with Kambo among the Matses tribe, helping to spread knowledge of Kambo in the Western world.

What Is It Used For?

Kambo’s uses vary among tribes but often involve lifting Panema, an indigenous term for negative energy or bad luck. It’s also used for hunting magic, enhancing speed and energy, and making the hunter temporarily odorless to prey. Medicinally, Kambo treats malaria, snake bites, fevers, infections, fertility problems, and more. Modern research suggests Kambo’s potential for treating conditions like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Cancer, HIV, Parkinson’s, Depression, Diabetes, Lyme’s Disease, and more due to its unique chemical compounds. Kambo contains dozens of peptides that bind selectively to receptor sites in the human body, acting as adaptogens that target areas in need of healing.

Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anesthetic substances found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system. It is 30-40 times stronger than morphine in its pain-killing properties. It also detoxes the liver and the intestines so it’s a powerful cleanser. Immediate and short-term effects include enhanced mood, alertness, clarity, focus, energy and increased resistance to stress, tiredness, hunger and thirst. The mind becomes still, you feel lighter and everything becomes easier to manage. In the longer term, Kambo empowers the immune system, rousing the body’s defense systems to their natural functions so that existing health problems are improved or resolved and future ones are less likely to occur. In spiritual terms, Kambo works in a mystical fashion as a light that opens the way, helping us to overcome obstacles and release blockages on an emotional level. It clears our energy field and realigns the chakras enabling us to break subconscious thought forms & negative patterns in order to live with more neutrality and positive mind, making more elevated thoughts, decisions and actions.

Despite the billions of pounds/euros and dollars being poured into researching and developing mainstream synthetic medication from Phyllomedusa Bicolor frog secretions, no one has yet managed to reproduce the original. The frog is unable to be grown in a lab, it needs its natural habitat and diet in order to live. Kambo in its original, natural form is a holistic treatment that works on the mind, body, energy and spirit at all levels in sometimes mystical ways. The Native Amazonians are quite apropos to use the word “magic” when describing this substance. The medicine is highly intelligent and contains a higher intelligence to work with the body in a unique way, knowing where it needs to go and do its work.

How Is Kambo Harvested?

Kambo is harvested ethically by indigenous tribes, who call the frogs down from the trees without harm. The frogs are gently tied and encouraged to secrete Kambo, which is then collected and dried. After harvesting, the frogs return to their habitat unharmed. Nourished Soul sources Kambo directly from the Matsés tribe in Peru, who ensure the protection of the frog population.

How is Kambo Used?

Kambo is a powerful yet swift experience, with intense effects that are immediate but typically last only 10-40 minutes. The dried Kambo is mixed with water and divided into small dots, which are applied to "gates" created on the skin. These gates, about 1/8” wide, are made by blistering the top layer of skin with a hot stick and removing it to expose the epidermis underneath—similar to peeling a blister. No blood is involved. The number and location of these points vary based on individual needs.

Kambo is applied solely through these gates, as it is unsafe to ingest or inject directly into the bloodstream. Once applied, Kambo quickly enters the lymphatic system, producing a warm flush, increased heart rate, and sensations that may include dizziness, tingling, or slight swelling. These responses indicate that Kambo is targeting blockages within the body. Though not psychoactive, Kambo may induce brief altered states, offering insights or emotional clarity.

The process often culminates in purging, which clears physical and emotional toxins. Afterward, you may feel tired and need rest, but within an hour, normal eating and drinking can resume. Full benefits often manifest after a good night's sleep, although some may need a few extra days of rest.

Kambo's burn marks will fade over time but may leave small, visible scars seen by many as a mark of personal strength. The same points can be reused after about three months. Following application, the points are treated with Dragon’s Blood, a healing tree sap from Peru that helps reduce scarring and prevents infection. Avoid soap and keep the burn marks dry for a day or two, refraining from jacuzzis or heavy sweating. If you experience any unusual redness or itching, applying more Dragon’s Blood can help soothe the area.

Rapé and Sananga: Traditional Medicines to Support Your Kambo Experience

After your Kambo session, Amy offers Rapé (pronounced "hapay"), a traditional Amazonian snuff used to help break through energetic blocks and facilitate emotional and physical release. The Rapé is prepared ceremonially by shamans from the Yawanawa tribe in Brazil, infused with prayers and healing intentions. We offer a variety of blends tailored to your needs, sourced from different tribes including Cocoa, Rose and Mint. The base consists of sacred ground mapacho tobacco, combined with various herbs, tree barks, leaves, and ashes. Rapé clears your sinuses, aligns your chakras, increases blood flow to the brain, and connects you to the powerful spirits of the Amazon. It is traditionally used to relieve headaches, calm the mind, cool the body, and lower blood pressure, offering a truly transformative experience. Rapé is applied by gently blowing it into the nostrils with a Tepi pipe.

Sananga, another sacred medicine, is made from the root and bark of the Tabernaemontana Sananho shrub and is used for both inner and outer vision. This traditional eye medicine addresses conditions such as astigmatism, glaucoma, cataracts, migraines, sinus issues, and macular degeneration. Sananga clears tear ducts, removes excessive protein around the eyes, and alleviates dry or red eyes and infections. Beyond physical benefits, it also helps decalcify the third eye, lifts panema (negative energy), and supports emotional release, making it beneficial for anxiety, depression, and unexpressed anger.

When applied, Sananga may burn for about 3-10 minutes, during which you may feel your eyes vibrating and recalibrating. Afterward, your vision becomes sharper, your mood lifted, and the world appears more vibrant. This is why we offer Sananga at the end of our ceremonies, as a grounding and clarifying finale that enhances your overall experience.

Kambo Contraindications

Kambo is generally safe when administered by a trained practitioner, but certain conditions can make it unsuitable. If any of the following apply, Kambo should not be used:

  • Age Restrictions: Not suitable for individuals under 18.

  • Pregnancy/Breastfeeding: Not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers with babies under 6 months old.

  • Heart Issues: Avoid if you have serious heart problems, such as an enlarged heart or history of heart bypass. (Stents and arrhythmia are generally fine.)

  • Blood Pressure: Not for those on medication for very low blood pressure; high blood pressure medication is generally acceptable.

  • Neurological Concerns: People with a history of stroke, brain hemorrhage, aneurysms, or blood clots should avoid Kambo.

  • Mental Health: Individuals with severe mental health conditions should consult on a case-by-case basis. Depression and anxiety are generally fine.

  • Chemotherapy: Avoid during chemotherapy and for 4-6 weeks afterward.

  • Epilepsy: Those with epilepsy should use caution; a layered, monitored approach is necessary.

  • Addison’s Disease: Kambo is contraindicated.

  • Organ Transplants: Avoid if you are on immune-suppressant medications.

  • Gallbladder/Kidney Stones: Kambo may cause painful movement of stones.

  • Cognitive Capacity: Individuals unable to make an informed decision should not receive Kambo.

  • Vaccination: Avoid Kambo for 4-6 weeks after the COVID-19 vaccination or booster, and similarly, avoid the vaccination for 4-6 weeks after receiving Kambo.

Preparation for Kambo Ceremony

Sacred medicines work best when supported by a high-vibrational diet of fresh, organic foods. To optimize your healing experience, please come to the ceremony fasted for 12-18 hours. In the days leading up to your session, stay hydrated with plenty of water, fresh juice, and herbal tea. Avoid fermented, caffeinated, carbonated drinks, and all forms of alcohol.

Nutrition Guidelines:

For at least 4 days prior to your ceremony, eliminate acid-forming foods including:

  • Alcohol

  • Caffeine (energy drinks, coffee, chocolate)

  • Processed sugars (including “sugar-free” alternatives)

  • Fermented foods (kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi)

  • Preserved meats (cold cuts, salami)

  • Dairy products (cheese, milk)

  • Red meat and pork

  • Canned foods

  • Excessive salt

  • Fried and excessively oily foods

  • Spicy foods

Medicinal Contraindications

  • Synthetic Drugs (LSD, Ecstasy, MDMA, Methamphetamine, Ketamine, Cocaine etc. 1 month prior to Kambo)

  • Liquid & Powdered Proteins (especially those containing hGH “Human Growth Hormone” 1 week prior to Kambo)

  • Plant Medicines (No Ayahuasca, Ibogaine, 5 MeO-DMT for 3 weeks prior to Kambo)


  • Please list all current medications & daily dosage on your intake, including antibiotics.

  • We may ask you to minimize your dose for a few days prior to ceremony 

  • Please consult with us regarding current health conditions & current treatment/supplementation.

Sex Energy Preservation

  • It is recommended that you refrain from having sex or masturbation at least one day prior to your ceremony. These acts reduce physical energy levels, making it harder to cope with the effects of the medicine.

Preparation Checklist:

  • Hydration: Limit your water intake to no more than one or two cups on the morning of your session. Avoid caffeine.

  • Fasting: Avoid solid foods, alcohol, and recreational drugs for 8-12 hours prior to your ceremony. If your session is scheduled later in the day, you may have a light smoothie or green juice in the morning. Do not fast 7 days before or after Kambo; maintaining nutrient intake is important.

  • Clothing: Wear comfortable, loose clothing and bring layers. Remove tight or restrictive jewelry beforehand.

  • Supplies: Bring a cushion, blanket/shawl, and pillow for resting afterward.

  • Water: Bring at least 2 liters of purified water (not high alkaline or distilled) for the ceremony.

  • Medication: Pause herbal supplements 24 hours prior, and discontinue serotonin, 5HTP, or melatonin supplements 5 days before. Refrain from taking prescription medications on the night before your session unless otherwise discussed with your practitioner.

Proper preparation ensures a smoother and more beneficial experience with Kambo, helping you connect deeply with the medicine and receive its full healing potential.

What to expect

Menstruation: If you are menstruating at the time of your Kambo treatment, please be aware that Kambo may temporarily increase menstrual flow and cause additional cramping, particularly within the first two days of your cycle. This is due to the strong vasodilators in Kambo, but it's completely safe to receive the treatment as your body is already in a natural state of release.

Asthma and Diabetes: If you are asthmatic, please bring your inhaler to the session. For those with diabetes, it's important to discuss your condition in advance so that we can monitor your blood sugar levels during the treatment. Kambo is generally safe, but personalized adjustments may be necessary.

Mental Health Conditions and Medications: If you have a history of mental health conditions or are currently on medication, it’s crucial to inform us, regardless of your current medication status. If you’re on antidepressants, we advise refraining from taking them the evening before Kambo and resuming them immediately after the treatment. Stopping medication cold turkey, even if you feel better, can be harmful. 

Contraceptives: If you are on birth control, please note that its effectiveness may be compromised if you purge it out during the session. To ensure contraceptive efficacy, take it after your treatment or use additional precautions that month.

Post-Treatment Symptoms: It’s normal for some symptoms to temporarily flare up after Kambo, such as mild fever, cold-like symptoms, or diarrhea, as your immune system resets. This healing response, known as the Herxheimer reaction, may also surface emotions like anger or sadness that you’re working to release. Be mindful of your emotions and communicate with those around you for support. Kambo reveals and sets things straight in its own time, so trust the process.

Persistent Symptoms: If symptoms linger longer than expected or if vomiting continues for several hours post-treatment, please inform us immediately. This is a rare occurrence and is often related to not adhering to water guidelines, which we will closely monitor.

Private Treatments: For private sessions, ensure your pets are in a separate room to avoid distractions. Also, check that there are no smoke detectors directly above your treatment area, as sage smoke used during ceremonies could activate them.

Kambo works in mysterious ways, and every experience is unique. Trust the medicine, and it will guide you toward balance and healing.

After-Care Recommendations

Post-Kambo care is essential to support your body’s healing process:

  • Diet: Eat as cleanly as possible for the next few days. Avoid sugar, spicy or greasy foods, red meat, alcohol, and marijuana.

  • Burn Mark Care: Do not use soap on the burn marks for at least one day. Keep them dry and avoid applying oils, ointments, or Neosporin. Dragon’s Blood sap will be applied to promote healing and prevent infection.

  • Activity Level: Rest and avoid intense physical activities. Colonics, enemas and sweat lodges should be avoided 3 days before and after Kambo. 

  • Medication: Stay off slimming or sleeping supplements, as well as Serotonin, 5-HTP, or Melatonin for 4-5 days. 

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to your body’s signals; rest when needed, eat when hungry, and hydrate well. Avoid overexerting yourself even if you feel an immediate energy boost post-treatment.

  • Emotional Awareness: Kambo may bring up repressed emotions as part of the healing process. Allow yourself to feel and release any emotions that surface.

  • Follow-Up: If you experience unusual symptoms or persistent discomfort, inform your practitioner for additional guidance.

These preparations and aftercare tips are designed to ensure you have a safe, effective, and transformative experience with Kambo. Listen to your body, and give yourself time to integrate the healing benefits of this powerful medicine.

Frequency of Kambo: Finding Your Rhythm with the Medicine

Kambo can be experienced in various formats, depending on your needs and health goals. It can be administered as a single or double treatment, an intensive protocol spread over several days or weeks, or the deepest cleanse—a powerful sequence of three treatments in three hours, reserved for seasoned clients.

In some traditional practices, Kambo is also used as a form of "vaccine," with three treatments administered over one moon cycle (29.5 days), known as the famous vacina da floresta. For first-timers, the most effective approach is to take Kambo three days in a row. This consecutive approach allows your body and mind to dive deeper with each session, reducing resistance and promoting a profound release. Think of it as a more intense cleanse—three consecutive days provide a deeper impact compared to spreading treatments out over a month.

If three days in a row is too intense or not feasible, spreading the treatments over a moon cycle is an excellent alternative, especially for those who are more sensitive or new to Kambo. After completing the initial series of three treatments, many find that refreshing with Kambo once a month, every few months, or annually helps maintain balance, depending on individual health needs and life circumstances.

The more you work with Kambo, the deeper the medicine goes. Some may need multiple sessions to fully release and feel the benefits, especially when addressing deep-rooted issues. However, even a single session can offer significant relief and healing, regardless of prior belief or experience.

If you’re uncertain about how often to receive Kambo, listen to your body and consult with Nourished Soul to develop a personalized protocol. Each health condition responds differently to Kambo; for instance, early Lyme disease may benefit from multiple consecutive sessions, while treatments for depression or fertility may follow different intervals.

Remember, Kambo meets you where you are, offering what you need, not just what you want. Trust the process and your own intuition to guide you in finding the best approach for your healing journey.

Cancellation Policy for Nourished Soul

All session payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. You may reschedule your session up to 48 hours in advance if needed. A 48-hour grace period is offered to adjust your session date within a 28-day window. If you do not reschedule within this time frame, the session will be forfeited.

Please note that if you cancel your session less than 48 hours prior, you will not be able to exchange or reuse this session, and it will be considered lost. Thank you for understanding and respecting this policy.